RUNABOUT 210F[ランナバウト210F]
All-around customizable swimbait matches for various fields and situations.

A 210 mm swimbait features a 2-piece jointed body with a natural, moving silicone long tail. The slim profile enhances predators to strike yet retaining a perfect presence to be easily spotted. Equipping three ultra-sharp treble hooks (with a rolling swivel for the front hook) contribute to achieve successful hookset, even catching fish with soft bites. The joint has two modes: a wide-angle Flexible Mode and a narrow-angle Tight Mode. Additionally, it offers options for lipless, short lip, and diving lip configurations, allowing customization for a various approach, from topwater to mid-range (approximately 3m).
Name RUNABOUT 210F Length 210mm Weight 2oz(56g) class Type Floating Hook DECOY Treble Y-F33F #2 ✕3 Accessories ●シリコンテール(スペア) Silicone Tail (Spare)
●ダイビングリップ Diving Lip
●スイベル付きカスタムブレード Swivel-equipped Custom BladePrice ¥5,800(税別)
Even at a length of 210mm, its minnow-design maintains a lightweight feel in the 2oz class, offering both a subtle presence and effortless handling. Additionally, as a two-piece joint bait, its long tail enhances stability during casting, ensuring smooth performance.
バイトがあってもフックアップしないことが多発するスイムベイティング。DECOY Treble Y-F33F #2を3本装備し、ルアーに触れた魚をしっかり掛ける性能を持たせました。また、フック同士が絡みにくい設計となっています。
Hook-setting in swimbaiting often encounters challenges, even when bites are detected. By equipping the lure with three DECOY Treble Y-F33F #2 hooks, effective hooking performance is assured. Additionally, the positioning of the hook eyes is optimized to reduce the risk of hooks becoming tangled with each other.
The default lip installed is suitable for techniques primarily focused on dead-walking in shallow ranges. Additionally, it allows for diving up to 2 meters with a straight retrieve, enabling a tight and natural swimming action when retrieved slowly.
Compared to the shallow lip, the diving lip allows for a natural action and can swim in the 3m range, while enabling dead-walking. By cutting along the engraved lines, the diving range can be adjusted to approximately 2m/2.5m.
By removing the lip, the lure can also be used as a jointed pencil bait. This allows for a lively and responsive dog walking action.
*The lip is fixed with a screw; avoid overtightening. Minor clearance in the lip slot maybe found, but not affect the performance.
The included custom blade adds flashing elements during dead walk and straight retrieve, generating dry sounds upon contact with the body. Equipped with an original ring on the swivel and a dedicated hanger located behind the front hook, allowing for quick and easy attachment and detachment.
The long tail, designed to smoothly transmit wobbling action right to its tip, produces a seductive movement, whether used for dead-walking or simple retrieval. Made with soft silicone material, the tail offers durability, vibrant color, and excellent moldability, ensuring a lively action without developing any undesired kink. Silicone also boasts convenience during storage due to its non-invasive nature and resistance to deformation. Additionally, the tail is secured with a set screw, allowing for easy replacement using a small screwdriver.
The aluminum parts of the joint feature dual-position holes for adjustment. The default mode is the "Flexible Mode," where the screw passes through the hole on the rear body side. This mode offers a wide range of motion, suitable for various techniques from dead-walking to simple retrieval. By passing the screw through the hole on the front side, the "Tight Mode" is activated, narrowing the range of motion and enhancing rolling action. (A screwdriver is required to change modes.)
Flexible mode
Wide angle of joint motion suitable for a dead walk, swinging body and tail naturally. It has high versatility, effectively conveying wobble action to the tail even with a straight retrieve.
Tight mode
By setting a screw on the front side of the aluminum joint parts, the angle of joint motion narrows, emphasizing rolling action. It makes longer darting a action with jerks.
*Avoid over-tightening the screw, as it may cause damage to the lure.
It is recommended to regularly check for any loosening of the screw while using the lure.
The front hook eye features a rolling swivel. It allows free movement while hook setting, effortlessly penetrating the hook point, and during the fight, it prevents hooking out caused by the head shaking.
The blue eye, inspired by the brand's color, has been incorporated into all models of the lure.
Runabout 210F offers versatility and techniques, ranging from topwater to depths of 3 meters. Here are five examples of setting selected from its extensive range of options.
❶ Top water
By removing the lip, it can be used as a topwater lure. During a straight retrieve, it generates a slight tail shimmy with an I-action, and the blade rotation makes dry sounds upon contact with the body. Additionally, it excels in dead walk presentation, with the blade sound resonating during head shakes.
❷ Shallow water
[Flexible mode]付属のカスタムブレードを装着した仕様。デッドウォークによるブレードのフラッシングは、深いレンジからバスをコールアップさせたい時に有効です。さらにロッドを高く構え、スローにウェイクさせることでボディ脇腹にブレードが当たり、乾いたサウンドを発生させます。(ブレード付きでの表層のスローリトリーブはTop water weight モデルが最適です)
[Tight mode]全体的にロール傾向に。繊細な入力で折れ角度の浅いデッドウォークも可能です。
[Flexible mode]Equipped with a custom blade included, ideal for dead walk that utilizes blade flashing to call up predators from deep range. Slow retrieving with high rod position makes the blade to hit the body side, creating distinctive dry sounds. (Top Water Weight Model is optimal for slow surface retrieve with the blade.)
[Tight mode]It enhances rolling action. Delicate inputs also allow for dead walk with noise and flashing.
❸ Shallow water ORIGINAL
[Flexible mode]箱出しの状態。デッドウォークを中心とした使い方に向いたモード。ハイフロートな仕様となるためトップでの使用にも向き、テーブルターンも得意。バスに捕食スイッチを入れる巻きジャークにも対応しています。水面下で一瞬止めたい場合は3g程度のウエイト追加を推奨。
[Tight mode]全体的にロール傾向に。繊細な入力で折れ角度の浅いデッドウォークも可能です。
[Flexible mode]The original setting is effective for surface use with dead walk and sharp turns, enabling jerk retrieves to trigger predatory instincts. For a suspending setting, recommend adding approximately 3g of weight. [Tight mode]It enhances rolling action. Delicate inputs also allow for dead walk.
❹ 3m diver
[Flexible mode]付属のダイビングリップにチェンジした仕様で、ただ巻きで約3mレンジに達します。ナチュラルなスイムアクションに変化し、ロングテールの生々しいアクションと合わせて、大型のバスを魅了します。巻き抵抗が軽いのも特徴で軽快なリトリーブが可能です。また、デッドウォークにも対応します。
[Tight mode]全体的にロール傾向に。繊細な入力で折れ角度の浅いデッドウォークも可能です。
[Flexible mode]With the included diving lip, it reaches approximately 3m range with straight retrieve, transitioning to natural swimming action that captivates predators with the lively movement of the long tail. It is also suitable for dead walk, and its light retrieve resistance is distinctive.
[Tight mode]It enhances rolling action. Delicate inputs also allow for dead walk.
❺ 2m 2.5m diver
[Flexible mode]付属のダイビングリップは裏面に刻まれたラインでカットすることで潜行深度を変えられます。浅いレンジで泳がせたい時はこのラインを目安にカットしていくことで、2m/2.5mダイバーに。巻き感がさらに軽くなり、アクションがややロール傾向に変化します。
[Tight mode]全体的にロール傾向に。繊細な入力で折れ角度の浅いデッドウォークも可能です。[Flexible mode]The diving depth can be adjusted by cutting the lip, turning it to a 2m/2.5m diver. This modification results in a lighter retrieve and boosts rolling action.
[Tight mode]It enhances rolling action. Delicate inputs also allow for dead walk. -
Cutting along the front line makes it a 2.5m diver and cutting along the base line makes it a 2m diver.
Live Matte Ayu G -
California Rainbow GN -
Matte Foil Shad H -
Strayed Mullet N -
Visible Shad G -
Yellow Casper N -
Rusty Matte Ayu G -
Bleached Shad G
TOP WATER MODELトップウォーターモデル
RUNABOUT 210F-TW[ランナバウト210F-TW]

通常モデルに比べて4.5g軽い「トップウォーターウエイト」モデルを2色ラインナップしました。ブレード(約4g)を装着した状態でウエイクベイトとして使える亜種(RONABOUT 210F-TW)。ブレードを装着してトップウォーターフィッシングを楽しむためのモデルで、回転するブレードがボディに接触し乾いたサウンドを響かせます。
RUNABOUT 210F-TW, featuring a "Topwater Weight" model, which is 4.5g lighter than the standard version, available in two vibrant colors. Perfect for topwater fishing, the rotating blade creates a distinct dry sound upon contact with the body, enhancing its appeal to target fish. It is excellent to be used as a wake bait when equipped with a blade (approximately 4g).
Name RUNABOUT 210F-TW Length 210mm Weight 1.76oz(50g) class Type Floating Hook DECOY Treble Y-F33F #2 ×3 Accessories ●シリコンテール(スペア) Silicone Tail (Spare)
●ダイビングリップ Diving Lip
●スイベル付きカスタムブレード Swivel-equipped Custom Blade
Price ¥5,800(税別)
“210 STORY” 全てはここから始まった。
2021年12月、Basser Allstar Classic「KOK」を210mmサイズのビッグベイティングで戦った沢村幸弘氏。低水温期のタフコンディション下で数々のバイトを引き出したこのタクティクスを元に「RUNABOUT 210F」は開発がスタートしました。
In December 2021, Yukihiro Sawamura, a participant in the Basser Allstar Classic "KOK," battled with the 210mm-sized big baiting strategy. Amidst tough conditions of low water temperature, this tactic managed to draw numerous strikes. Inspired by this, the development of "RUNABOUT 210F" began.

Sawamura sought to create a lure that possessed significant volume yet remained easy to handle, all while featuring a three-hook configuration to capitalize on valuable bites.

With a slender design despite its 210mm body, RUNABOUT 210F achieves a balance between presence and easy enticing, boasting a weight in the 2oz class that can be comfortably controlled during casting. The three #2 hooks are strategically positioned to ensure that "once bitten, it hooks; once hooked, it doesn't loose," providing reliable performance.